Different Types of Teak Wood & Its Cost 2024 (Updated)

Teak Wood |Teak Wood Types | Teak Wood Costs

Different Types of Teak Wood

When it comes to furniture or home interior there is no match to woodwork. This is very true. No other wood can give that rich, classy and fabulous look than a teak wood. Teak wood gives an ideal blend to home furnishing be it in form window frames, furniture’s, tables, or designer cots. Teak wood is the most ideal choice for rejuvenating your homes. But at times it can be quite confusing when it comes to choosing the right type of teak wood. There are many varieties of teak wood that are popularly used in India and available in the market and each of these gives a certain advantage and features that add to your home decor.

Types of Teak Wood

One should keep in mind that there are many similarities in teak wood but it is not. There is a variety known as golden teak that just looks like teak although it’s not. The original variety has a botanical name ‘Tectona Grandis’ and is found in the south-east Asian region. Today teak wood is grown in various parts of the world for various uses and its importance is immensely popular.

Teak wood is considered to be one of the most expensive among woods. So it's better to have some knowledge beforehand. A series of characteristics are revealed by evaluating the appearance of the teak wood. In fact, teak wood is characterized by a medium-fine texture, by a generally straight grain and by very noticeable and marked veins. Here are some of the ways by which we can identify teak:


One can identify the teak wood by its colour. The colour varies according to species. The superior quality teak (often called Burma teak and rosewood) is golden-brown in colour, while the colour fades as the quality goes down. Normal teak can be yellowish-white in colour.


Grains form the most identifiable features among the teak woods. Usually, grains are straight but can be used wavy depending upon the sewing pattern.


Another way by which one can identify a Teak wood is by its fragrance. Teak wood has a natural oil content, which helps it to prevent termites and decay. The oil has a distinct aroma and closely smells like leather.

Real Teak wood is relatively heavy. So, a simple check on the weight of the wood can reveal its true identity. The colour of sapwood of teak displays a yellowish-white tint and the heartwood reflects golden-brown or darker shades of brown. These things can help you identify real teak.

Teak Wood Costs

As mentioned earlier in the post, teak wood is one the most expensive among the woods. Teak wood is sold in sqft or measured in cubic feet. Most of the products of teak wood range from Rs. 600 to Rs. 5000 per sqft. The below table shows the price range with the products in percentage.

Teak Wood Price Range

No of Products (%)

Rs. 600 – 1000


Rs.1000 – 1700


Rs.1700 – 2900


Rs. 2900 – 5000


Price of the Teak wood varies based on type, thickness, and size. If you are planning to buy, then it would cost anywhere from Rs.1750/ cubic feet to Rs.5000/cubic feet, excluding taxes. Since it is expensive, many people prefer to get it from their local carpenters.

10 Most Expensive Woods in India

In this section, let us discuss some of the most expensive woods available in India and their usage.

Teak Wood        

When it comes to wood, teak wood is considered to be the most expensive wood available in India. Teak wood is known to be cost-effective and durable in nature. This makes it ideal for crafting essential furniture, door frames, bed frames, and cabinets. With natural waterproofing abilities, teak wood is most suitable for outdoor use as well.

Indian Rose Wood          

Indian rosewood also known as ‘Sheesham wood’ is another locally grown wood found in Peninsular India. Rosewood is the next most expensive wood available in India after teak wood. Being long lasting and termite resistant, rosewood is largely used for crafting furniture, wooden cabinets, and temple altars in puja rooms.

Sal Wood        

Sal wood is perfect for indoor home decors. Sal wood is a strong and hardy contender. The use of Sal wood provides additional strength and durability to the furniture. Sal wood is also resistant to termites and fungus. Being less expensive when compared to teak wood and rosewood, Sal wood is largely used by home owners as the best options available for furniture in India.

Cedar Wood        

Cedar wood is largely used to moisture-proof the wardrobes and cabinets. The wood is sturdy in nature and has a fragrance that naturally repels insects, termites, and other insects. This wood is weather resistant and prevents fungal growth and bacteria.

Mahogany Wood

The next wood that comes in the list is the Mahogany wood. This wood is relatively cheaper than teak wood, rosewood and sal wood. Due to its stable nature, Mahogany wood is less likely to shrink, warp, or swell due to weather changes. The wood is a great investment option in high humid regions.

Oak Wood         

Oak wood is durable in nature and requires less maintenance. The wood comes in different colours and is quite versatile in terms of style. Oak wood is highly recommended for dining tables and furniture that is used on a day-to-day basis.

Mulberry Wood         

Mulberry wood is the seventh most expensive wood available in India. This type of wood is durable in nature though the colour tone of the wood may vary drastically. Mulberry wood is highly used for crafting antique furniture, cabinets, and for other wood works that gives a rich texture and a glossy look.

Deodar Wood         

Deodar wood too has antifungal properties. The wood is hard and durable in nature. Being the native of the Himalayas, Deodar wood is extracted from Deodar trees found on the mountain slopes of the Himalayan range. The wood can be used in cooler climatic conditions and goes well for use in home interiors.

Jack Wood        

As the name says Jack wood is derived from jackfruit trees. This wood is least expensive and mostly used to make musical instruments in addition to furniture.

Satin Wood         

Satin wood is a native of south India and is largely grown in the Nilgiris mountain ranges. The beauty of this wood is that it is used to carve out antique furniture. 

Types of Teak Wood:

Burma Teak Wood

As the name suggests, Burma teak wood is largely grown in Myanmar and regions in and around Burma. This wood is hugely popular across the world. Burma teak wood is considered to be one of the costliest and highly durable woods available in India. The cost of Burma teak wood ranges from Rs.7500 /cubic feet onwards and goes up to Rs. 9000/cubic feet, excluding taxes.

Indian Teak Wood

Indian teak is one of the prominent woods that are largely grown on the mountain ranges in India. Indian teak too has the same properties on par with the Burma teak. Due to its high demand in India, Indian teak wood is not in supply in the international market. The wood is highly durable and has antifungal properties. Mostly used for home interiors such as furniture, door frames, kitchen cabinets and other wood works. The price of the Indian teak wood is also on par with that of Burma teak wood. 

Indonesian Teak Wood

Next is the Indonesian teak wood in the types of teak wood. Also known as ‘Asian teak wood’ it takes close to 30 years to grow this wood. The teak wood is largely grown and cultivated in Indonesia and hence the name. The conditions are extremely favourable and therefore assist the best quality of plant growth. Having wider wood grains, Indonesian teak wood has average oil content and is light brown in colour. Indonesian teak wood is highly sturdy and durable. The teak wood is crafted to make furniture, main doors, kitchen cabinets, and other related woodworks. This teak wood is relatively cheaper compared to Burma teak wood and Indian teak wood.

African Teak Wood

This type of teak wood is found in Africa as it is largely grown in this part of the world. The African teak wood takes about 15-25 years of growth time. The wood has wider grains and is light brown in colour. The teak wood has minimal oil content and is less durable compared to the above types. African teak wood is largely used to make furniture, dining tables, centre tables, kitchen cabinets, and pooja altars. Price wise this teak wood is easily affordable compared to the above types.

South American Teak Wood

As the name suggests, this teak wood is largely grown and cultivated in South America. One can find this type of teak wood in the Amazon forests in South America. The teak wood is grown in countries like Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil, and other neighbouring countries located in South America. This teak wood is almost similar to African teak wood. The wood is further classified into Chinese teak wood, Brazilian teak wood, and South American teak wood. Brazilian teak wood has high oil content, long-lasting, and water resistance whereas the Chinese teak wood is mostly used for hardwood flooring purposes. The prices of South American teak wood are marginally lower compared to other teak woods like Burma teak wood, Indonesian teak wood, and Indian teak wood.

Thailand Teak Wood

Originating from the country of Thailand, this teak wood is considered to be one of the highest quality of wood used for outdoor purposes. The topography and the climatic conditions play a huge part where the trees are grown. Thailand teak wood is largely grown in moist tropical climates, having an annual rainfall in excess of 1500-2000 mm. Even though the Thailand teak wood can withstand high moisture content, the quality of the wood is relatively poor with respect to colour, texture, and density. Thailand teak wood is mainly used for outdoor space since the teak wood can withstand harsh weather conditions. So far in this blog article we came across about the types of teak wood, its prices and the 10 most expensive teak woods in India. Now let us take a look at the comparisons between different types of teak woods.

Know The Difference Between The Teak Wood

Burma Teak Wood vs. Indian Teak Wood         

Burma Teak Wood

Indian Teak Wood

Burma teak wood is the finest teak wood on earth. Indian teak wood comes next to Burma teak wood in quality.
Comes with straight grains, has natural texture and golden in colour Indian teak wood comes with straight grains and is durable in nature.
Weather resistant and has anti-fungal features. Weather resistant, highly tensile, and has high oil content.
Used in home interiors like making furniture’s, door, tables, and kitchen cabinets The teak wood is solely used for outdoor purposes and boat decks.

Burma Teak Wood vs. Indonesian Teak Wood         

Burma Teak Wood

Indonesian Teak Wood

Burma teak wood is the most expensive teak wood. Indonesian teak wood is relatively cheaper compared to Burma teak wood
Highly durable and weather resistant Durable, weather resistant, anti-termites feature.
Mainly used for crafting furniture, main doors, kitchen cabinets. It is also used in making furniture, kitchen cabinets, main doors and pooja mandirs/altars.
Free from warping and has high oil content. Indonesian teak wood tends to shrink or warp. It also has high oil content.
Largely grown in Myanmar and Burma. Mostly found in Indonesia and nearby places.
Burma teak wood is golden yellow in colour. Indonesian teak wood is light brown in colour.

Burma Teak Wood vs. African Teak Wood        

Burma Teak Wood

African Teak Wood

Highly expensive and has demand around the world. Mostly affordable and the demand for this teak wood is low.
Has high oil content and has wider grains. Moderate oil content.
Highly durable and weather resistant Least durable and weather resistant.
Burma teak wood comes in golden yellow in colour. African teak wood comes in light brown in colour.

Burma Teak Wood vs. South American Teak Wood        

Burma Teak Wood

South American Teak Wood

Burma teak wood is found in Burma and Myanmar. South American teak wood is largely grown in Ecuador, Columbia, Brazil. The teak wood is also found in the forests of the Amazon river basin.
Comes in golden yellow in colour. It comes in light shades of brown.
Long lasting, weather-resistant, and has anti-fungal features. Durable and water resistant.
Burma teak wood does not warp due to weather changes South American teak wood may warp or shrink due to change in weather conditions.

Burma Teak Wood vs. Thailand Teak Wood        

Burma Teak Wood Thailand Teak Wood
Burma teak wood comes from Burma and Myanmar. Thailand teak wood originates from Thailand and nearby places.
Highly durable. Less durable.
High-grade quality wood Low grade quality wood
Mainly used for indoor home décor like making furniture, cabinets, bed frames and main doors. It is highly used for outdoor purposes like garden furniture.

Indian Teak Wood vs. Burma Teak Wood

Indian teak wood is widely found in the Indian subcontinent.

Burma teak wood is largely grown in Burma and Myanmar.

Contains a high oil content

Contains a high oil content

Durable and weather resistant

Highly durable and weather resistant

Indian Teak Wood vs. African Teak Wood

Indian teak wood is a native of India.

African teak wood is largely grown in countries like Ghana, Kenya, Botswana, Rwanda, and Nigeria.

High oil content

Less oil content

Golden yellow in colour

Light brown in colour

Highly durable, anti-fungal, and water resistant.

Not highly durable. African teak wood tends to degrade over a period of time.

Indian Teak Wood vs. South American Teak Wood

Indian teak wood is mostly used for indoor purposes.

South American teak wood is used for indoor as well as for outdoor purposes.

Indian teak wood is relatively expensive.

South American teak wood is marginally expensive.

Durable and highly weather resistant.

South American teak wood tends to warp over a period of time.

Indian Teak Wood vs. Thailand Teak Wood

Grown on a large scale in India.

Thailand teak wood is found in Thailand and Myanmar.

Indian teak wood is used for crafting furniture, cabinets, wardrobes, main doors and window frames.

Thailand teak wood is mostly used for flooring and outdoor purposes.

Indian teak wood is golden yellow in colour.

Thailand teak wood comes in light shades of brown.

Indian Teak Wood vs. Indonesian Teak Wood

It is a native of India. It is a native of Indonesia.
Contain high oil content. Contain average oil content.
Highly durable, anti-fungal and weather resistant. Indonesian teak wood has anti-fungal features, weather resistant and durable in nature.

Indonesian Teak Wood vs. Burma Teak Wood

Extensively grown in Indonesia. Extensively grown in Burma and Myanmar.
Less expensive. Highly expensive.
It is durable and weather resistant. Highly durable with anti-termite features.

Indonesian Teak Wood vs. African Teak Wood

Indonesian teak wood is of high wood quality. African teak wood has a low wood quality.
Weather resistant and has wider wood grains. African teak wood is not weather resistant and may tend to shrink over a period of time.
Indonesian teak wood has moderate oil content. African teak wood has minimal oil content.

Indonesian Teak Wood vs. South American Teak Wood

Indonesian teak wood is found in the forests of Indonesia. South American teak wood is found in the Amazon forest areas.
Durable and relatively expensive. Durable and moderately expensive.
Highly used for house furnishing wood works like furniture’s, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets and T.V. cabinets. Highly used for indoor works like wooden flooring for living, bedrooms and kitchen.

Indonesian Teak Wood vs. Thailand Teak Wood

Indonesian teak wood is originally grown in Indonesia. Thailand teak wood is originally grown in Thailand and nearby areas.
Indonesian teak wood is quite expensive. Thailand teak wood is marginally expensive.
Mostly used for indoor purposes. Thailand teak wood is used for outdoor purposes.

African Teak Wood vs. Burma Teak Wood

This teak wood is highly found in Africa. Burma teak wood has its origin in Burma and Myanmar.
Less durable in nature. Highly durable in nature.
Poor wood quality. Excellent wood quality.

African teak wood vs. Indian Teak Wood

African teak wood has moderate oil content. Indian teak wood has high oil content.
Relatively less expensive. Relatively more expensive.
African teak wood has a light brown colour. Indian teak wood comes in golden yellow in colour.

African teak wood vs. South American teak wood

African teak wood is basically a native of Africa. South American teak wood comes from South America.
Poor quality of the wood. Good quality of wood.
Prices of African teak wood are low. Prices of the South American teak wood vary from quality to quality.

African Teak Wood vs. Thailand Teak Wood

African teak wood is mainly used for indoor purposes. Thailand teak wood is highly used for outdoor purposes.
Less durable in nature. Thailand teak wood is highly durable in nature.
Not weather resistant. Highly weather resistant.

South American Teak Wood vs. Burma Teak Wood

Originally found in South America. Has its origin from Burma and Myanmar.
Durable with moderate oil content. Highly durable with high oil content.
South American teak wood is less expensive. Burma teak wood is highly expensive.

South American Teak Wood vs. Indian Teak Wood

Low wood quality. Superior wood quality.
Less durable to weather conditions. Highly durable to all weather conditions.
South American teak wood has average oil content. Indian teak wood has high oil content.

South American Teak Wood vs. African Teak Wood

South American teak wood is mainly used for making furniture, cabinets, and for other wood works. African teak wood is used for making furniture and for making other wood works.
The quality of the teak wood is relatively good. Teak wood quality is poor.
South American teak wood has moderate oil content. African teak wood has the least oil content.

South American Teak Wood vs. Thailand Teak Wood

The teak wood is found largely in South America. Has its origin from Thailand.
The teak wood is extensively used for indoor purposes like making furniture, cabinets, wardrobes, and for other house interior wood works. Thailand teak wood is used for outdoor purposes due to its high weather resistance.
Price of the South American teak wood is relatively low. The prices may vary depending upon the quality of the wood.

Thailand Teak Wood vs. Burma Teak Wood

Thailand teak wood is moderately priced. Burma teak wood is highly expensive.
Thailand teak wood may shrink or warp in due course of time. Burma teak wood remains sturdy and does not expand or contract due to changing weather conditions.
The teak wood is mainly used for outdoor purposes. The teak wood mainly applies for indoor usage.

Thailand Teak Wood vs. Indian Teak Wood

The teak wood that comes from Thailand is least expensive. Indian teak wood is highly expensive.
The teak wood may warp or may change its colour due to changing weather conditions. Indian teak wood is highly durable. It remains sturdy and withstands all weather conditions.
The teak wood has moderate oil content. Indian teak wood has high oil content.

Thailand Teak Wood vs. African Teak Wood

Thailand teak wood is highly durable. It is weather resistant. African teak wood is less durable.
The quality of the teak wood is good. The quality of the African teak wood is average.
Its usage is mostly for outdoor purposes. African teak wood is solely used for indoor usage like making furniture, cabinets, showcases, wall cabinets and so on.

Thailand Teak Wood vs. South American Teak Wood

The teak wood is a native of Thailand. The teak wood has its origin from South America.
Its usage is mainly limited to outdoors. South American teak wood is largely used indoors.
Thailand teak wood is highly durable, weather resistant, and long lasting. South American teak wood is less durable. The teak wood may degrade over a period of time.

Thailand Teak Wood vs. Indonesian Teak Wood

Durable against all weather conditions. Indonesian teak wood is highly durable.
The quality of the teak wood is average. Indonesian teak wood comes with superior wood quality.
Thailand teak wood has less oil content. Indonesian teak wood has high oil content.

Types of Teak Wood Available in Bangalore:

Bangalore is turning out to be one of the fastest growing cities in Asia in terms of real estate and building constructions. Fondly known by numerous names like ‘Pensioners Paradise’, ‘Garden City’, ‘Silicon City’, and ‘Pub City’, the tech-hub of India is witnessing a phenomenal growth in the field of home construction activities. The presence of several MNC’s has given a robust boost in the building and real estate activities. Many reputed builders, developers and structural consultants have set up their presence in this part of the city knowing pretty well that the demand in the construction sector will witness a huge boost in the coming times.

Basically, wood forms the centre of attraction in home interiors. No work can be carried out without any wood work. Wood is used for various purposes in home constructions. There are many types of woods that are used in the construction industry. Of all the woods available, teak wood is the most popular as it takes the centre stage of any construction activity. Teak wood is the most preferred choice for home builders as it gives a rich classy finish to the décor. Besides, it is also durable and long lasting. Teak woods are largely used for indoor as well as for outdoor purposes. Different types of teak woods are used for different purposes.

Home interiors with a touch of teak wood not just provide a rich getup, but also give the interiors of the home an elegant look. Teak wood enhances the beauty of the home to a great extent. Teak woods are largely used for making furniture, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, flooring, door and window frames and so on. Their utility is unlimited as far as the interior wood work is concerned. Though teak woods are quite expensive, they add a style statement to one’s home.  Home buyers can select the teak wood based on their preference and budget. The images given below illustrate the uses of teak wood and how it can make a world of changes to your dream home.

Different types of teak wood are available in Bangalore. The most widely used are the Burma teak wood, African teak wood, South American teak wood, Indonesian teak wood, and Thailand teak wood. Teak woods are used for indoor as well as for outdoor purposes. Teak woods used indoors include Burma teak, Indonesian teak, African teak, and South American teak. These teak woods are primarily used for carving furniture, main doors, window frames, wardrobes, kitchen cabinets, puja altars and for other related wood works. Thailand teak wood is solely used for flooring and outdoor purposes.

In this section let us see the teak wood and its multiple uses: 

Uses of Teak Wood        

  • Known for its durability and water resisting features, teak wood has many characteristics that make it ideal for various uses.
  • The application of Teak wood is used largely in marine woodwork because of its exceptional weather resisting properties. It is used to make onboard furniture, woodworks for the cabin, kitchen cabinets, puja altars, main door frames, wardrobes, window frames and other related interior wood works. Teak wood is also a top-notch material for constructing masts and rudders.
  • Teak wood is sturdy, durable, weather resistant, and water resistant. That is the reason being why it is used to make outdoor furniture. It can withstand all weather conditions.
  • The life of the teak wood can span up to 70 years, even after getting exposed to severe weather conditions.
  • Teak wood is highly used to make railings in decks of the ships.
  • Teak wood is widely used in home decors that add a style quotient for the homes.
  • It is extensively used in flooring in homes for living, bedrooms, and kitchens.
  • It is also used for shelving.
  • Cutting boards and countertops made out of teak wood gives a classy look to the interiors.
  • Doors and windows made of teak wood give your home an exemplary look.

How to Take Care of Teak Wood?        

Teak woods are considered to be very expensive. Hence one should take proper care and maintenance for it to last for several years. Given below are some of the few tips that will help in taking care of teak wood.

  • Teak wood has the presence of natural oils that protects it from getting rot. However, when exposed to the sun directly they may turn grey. One can preserve its natural colour to the woodwork and furniture by giving a coating of marine or a spar varnish.
  • When the teak wood is exposed to direct sunlight, the UV rays falling on it results in discoloration. The conventional polyurethane varnishes are not UV protective; hence they are not effective. Therefore, one has to opt for spar varnish for the teak wood to last long.
  • Another way by which one can protect the teak wood is by coating it with teak oil which is a combination of varnish and tung oil which is highly penetrative.
  • One can also take care of the teak wood by giving it a scrub with the following solutions.
  • A cup of bleach with a scoop of laundry detergent in one gallon of warm water.
  •  Take one gallon of warm water with a cup of vinegar.
  • After you have scrubbed the teak wood furniture or the woodwork, do rinse thoroughly using clear water.

Teak Wood and its Merits:        

  • The presence of oil in the teak wood gives it a natural resistance from termites and other insects.
  • Teak wood prevents the decay of the wood and the rot due to its high wood density. This makes teak wood extremely durable.
  • It is moisture resistant.
  • Another prime merit of teak wood is that it can be hand carved easily.
  • Another main advantage of teak wood is that it does not expand in summer nor contract in winter. It remains durable throughout the year.
  • Since teak is a natural self-finished material, it does not require any painting.
  • Teak wood is low in maintenance and does not require any polishing.

Demerits of Teak Wood:        

Though teak wood has numerous advantages, it has few drawbacks as well.

  • One of the major disadvantages of teak wood is that it is highly expensive.
  • Due to its high cost, its availability is limited.
  • To find a teak wood of a good quality is a tedious task.
  • Teak wood often makes wooden tools blunt. This requires frequent sharpening of the tools.

Teak Wood Price:

Teak wood is a popular material for furniture and construction because of its durability and beauty. When shopping for teak wood, it is important to know how prices are determined and what to expect. Here, we will explain teak wood price per kg, teak wood price per sq ft, and Burma teak wood price, all in simple terms.

Teak Wood Price Per Kg

Teak wood price per kg varies based on the quality and origin of the wood. Generally, teak wood is sold by weight for smaller projects or for raw material purposes. The price per kilogram can range widely. For instance, local teak wood might be cheaper, starting around Rs.1,200 per kg, while premium varieties can go up to Rs.3,000 per kg or more. This price variation is due to factors like wood density, grain quality, and whether the wood has been seasoned or treated.

Teak Wood Price Per Sq Ft

For larger projects like flooring or paneling, teak wood is often sold by the square foot. The teak wood price per sq ft also depends on the grade of the wood. Standard grades suitable for general construction might cost between Rs.250 to Rs.500 per sq ft. Higher-grade teak, which is used for fine furniture or luxury interiors, can cost significantly more, often reaching Rs.1,000 per sq ft or higher. The finishing and treatment process also impacts the price, as treated teak wood tends to be more expensive due to its enhanced durability and resistance to elements.

Burma Teak Wood Price

Burma teak, also known as Burmese teak, is renowned for its exceptional quality. Originating from Myanmar, Burma teak is considered one of the finest teak varieties due to its high oil content, beautiful grain patterns, and superior strength. The Burma teak wood price is generally higher compared to other teak varieties.

For Burma teak, the price per kg can be anywhere from Rs.2,500 to Rs.4,000. When sold per square foot, the price ranges from Rs.700 to Rs.2,000, depending on the quality and thickness of the wood. This premium pricing reflects the rarity and superior attributes of Burma teak, making it a preferred choice for luxury furniture and high-end construction projects.

Factors Affecting Teak Wood Prices

Several factors influence the prices of teak wood, including:

  • Quality and Grade: Higher-grade teak with fewer knots and a straighter grain is more expensive.
  • Origin: Teak wood sourced from countries like Myanmar (Burma teak) is generally pricier due to its superior quality.
  • Seasoning: Properly seasoned teak wood, which has been dried to reduce moisture content, commands a higher price as it is less likely to warp or crack.
  • Market Demand: Prices fluctuate based on market demand and availability. Scarcity during certain seasons can drive prices up.
  • Treatment and Finishing: Teak wood that has been treated for pests or finished for aesthetic purposes costs more due to the added labour and materials.


In this blog article we have explained about the different types of teak woods, its uses, and comparisons of teak woods, its advantages, disadvantages and cost. Though teak woods are expensive, there is no doubt about its durability. Use of teak wood for home interiors gives one’s home a prolific look. So next time, if you are planning to rejuvenate your home with wood works, teak woods are an ideal option. Bring a world-class ambience to your home interiors with teak woods as it gives a stand-out impression. Hope this article has served your purpose.

Refer to more of our articles about Bricks vs cement blocks in masonry, sump construction, and standard room sizes in houses.

FAQ’s - Teak Wood and Types

1. What is teak wood?

Teak wood is a durable and high-quality hardwood often used in furniture, flooring, and construction due to its strength, resistance to elements, and beautiful appearance.

2. Why is teak wood so expensive?

Teak wood is expensive because of its durability, natural oil content that makes it resistant to water and pests, and the long growth period of teak trees, which can take decades to mature.

3. What is the teak wood price per kg?

The price per kg for teak wood varies based on quality and origin, typically ranging from Rs.1,200 to Rs.3,000 per kg for local varieties and up to Rs.4,000 per kg for premium types like Burma teak.

4. How much does teak wood cost per square foot?

Teak wood price per sq ft can range from Rs.250 to Rs.1,000 or more, depending on the grade and quality of the wood, with premium varieties like Burma teak costing even higher.

5. What is Burma teak wood?

Burma teak, also known as Burmese teak, is a high-quality teak wood from Myanmar, known for its high oil content, beautiful grain, and exceptional durability.

6. Why is Burma teak more expensive than other teak varieties?

Burma teak is more expensive because of its superior quality, high oil content, beautiful grain patterns, and the rigorous process of legal and sustainable harvesting.

7. Is teak wood suitable for outdoor furniture?

Yes, teak wood is ideal for outdoor furniture due to its natural resistance to water, pests, and weather elements, making it very durable and long-lasting.

8. How do I maintain teak wood furniture?

To maintain teak wood furniture, clean it regularly with mild soap and water, and apply teak oil periodically to preserve its color and shine.

9. Does teak wood change color over time?

Yes, teak wood naturally changes colour over time, developing a silver-grey patina if left untreated. This is due to exposure to sunlight and weathering.

10. Can teak wood be stained or painted?

While teak wood can be stained or painted, it is generally not recommended because the natural oils can make it difficult for finishes to adhere properly. Many prefer to preserve its natural look.

11. What are the common uses of teak wood?

Teak wood is commonly used for furniture, flooring, decking, boat building, and outdoor structures due to its durability and aesthetic appeal.

12. How can I tell if the teak wood is of good quality?

High-quality teak wood has a uniform colour, tight grain, minimal knots, and a smooth texture. It should feel heavy and have a rich, oily surface.

13. Is teak wood eco-friendly?

Teak wood can be eco-friendly if sourced from sustainably managed plantations. 

14. How long does teak wood last?

Teak wood can last for decades, often over 50 years, especially if properly maintained and protected from harsh conditions.

15. Where can I buy teak wood?

Teak wood can be purchased from timber yards, specialised wood suppliers, and from authorised retailers. Always check the source and quality before making a purchase to ensure you get genuine teak wood.

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